WWQP Bulletin Board

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Footprint Quilts Are Finished

My, goodness, I seem to be the only person posting on the WWQP Bulletin Board any more.  What, is this my private page?   Ah, well ....

I have finished the quilts for my twin granddaughters well ahead of the Christmas deadline I had set for myself and so the first photo shows me sitting smugly on the living room sofa with Alexandra's quilt on the left side of the photo and Elizabeth's on the right side of the photo.  I selected different border fabrics so they could tell which quilt was which from across the room.

Second photo shows the back of Elizabeth's qulit.  Their parents take them on European vacations and so I felt a world map theme was a good idea for backings on these quilts.  I will give them fine-line Sharpie markers so they can write dates near countries/cities visited as events occur.  Thus far these ten year olds have visited England, France, Germany, Denmark, Austria, Ireland and Scotland  ... and Ohio.   LOL

Judy in Ohio