WWQP Bulletin Board

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My 1900 Trashy Log Cabin quilt

Here is the "unfinished" finished project from what I am calling the Trashy Log Cabin quilt (see my previous post).

Sadly, the fabrics in this quilt were almost unretrievable. The blacks were shattered. The coloreds were exceedingly thin...they were undoubtedly low-thread count when new and after 100 years they are even lower.

All is now in the trash except for these 12 blocks (oops...6 blocks) and my photos. At least the quilt lives on in photo format and in miniature wall quilt size. (you can click for a closer view)

I'll back this with a piece of vintage cotton sacking and finish it. Someday.

Right now it's pinned to my living room wall alongside a tiny quilt made from early 1900s shirting fabric samples (which were in like-new condition when I found them in a box purchased at an auction).

Doncha love the chrome yellow!
