WWQP Bulletin Board

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Oops --- meant to put this on the Chat Board page

Ooops.... Sorry about that.

Humidity . . . oof!

We have gotten a slight break from our heat wave, yesterday and today, but the humidity level is horrendous. Right now, it is 78F and humidity is 90%. I took the dog outside for five minutes, and came back inside with hair that looked like a bad perm. The good news is we received one inch of rain this morning.

On Wednesday we hit 101F (38C!) but at least the humidty was down below 40%. Ah,,,, it's all about the trade-offs, I suppose. Yesterday could best be described as "muggy," and worse yet, I played golf in it, but the temperature didn't even reach 83F.

DH returned home this past Sunday night from his 10-day trip with the guys, to Ireland and Northern Ireland. They had nice weaather and were very grateful for it. They took some time to do a little bit of sightseeing, and DH brought back some nice photos. I'll try to insert one here - - of The Giant's Causeway. You can Google it for the info; DH thinks it is quite spectacular and I agree.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Using the leftovers

Made this from most of my strings which are narrower than 2". I'm pleased with how it turned out, as well as using up some of the leftovers around here.
