WWQP Bulletin Board

Thursday, August 19, 2010


I will attend the quilt show my guild is hosting tomorrow as a spectator and will take lots of pictures. On Saturday I’ll be working there. I never finished a single quilt to enter this year but will surely be up and running for the NC Quilt Symposium we are sponsoring in 2012. Sondra Horn has entered a quilt and so has a friend of hers from Facebook. Have any other BBers entered? There are more than 300 quilts in the show so I want to be on the lookout for others from the board.

Jane in NC

Monday, August 16, 2010

re; this blog site

I haven't been here in ages. I never posted, mostly was a lurker. I still recognize some of the names, eg Judy from Ohio, the other Judy, etc. Judy of Ohio, you may remember, I was your personal shopper, when you were looking for the michiginers, that were new at the time. Since then I have become a widow, moved to Fl from Ohio, found a new, wonderful guy. we are buyng a house, and I will once again have a sewing room and will resume the hobby that I love. I hope to get back on wwqp and interact more often;-) harjo (Harlene)

Thanks to All!

See, I knew you were all still out there! I did set the red with vinegar before I washed it the first time (before cutting and piecing) and that has always worked for me in the past. I've hand quilted it, though, and I just don't want to take any chances. So, I will use synthrapol and the dye catchers you've mentioned and I'll let you all know how it comes out. (I have one more row to quilt and then the binding.)

bleeding of red fabric

Did you pre-wash the reds? I have a bottle of Retayne, on the directions it says "For best results, treat fabric with Retaye before washing it for the first time or placing it into your quilt". Estimate amount of water needed to cover cotton fabric. Fill machine to this level with HOT water 140 degrees. Add 1 teaspoon per yard add dry fabric. Set machine for 20 min. Use cool water to rinse and dry at once.
Subsequent launderings should be with cool water.
If you didn't pre-wash, or do any of the above, try the sample of scraps mentioned above.
I'd wash it on cold water, low dry, and hope for the best. If you use hot water at this point, it will be sure to bleed, and you don't want that.
Let us all know.
Sara in Fla.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Janelle, if you have some fabric scraps left over, stitch a few pieces together and then wash them to see if the color bleeds.

I agree that letting a wet quilt sit in the washer instead of drying it right away will surely increase the likelihood of bleed.

I generally toss the quilt into the dryer for a short pre-dry, so to speak, on a light setting. That seems to help prevent bleeding. Then I hang or lay it out flat to finish drying. My quilts are tough, though, and I don't mind drying machine-quilted Qs in the dryer on light settings.

The cloth dye-catchers seem to be helpful in my experience.

But I don't know the answer to the synthropol or retayne as I've never tried either product.

red and white

I wonder if you just put the quilt in the washing machine with plain water and salt if that wouldn't set the colors before you wash it. Isn't it salt or is it vinegar that sets the color?? I think I would set the color first then not have to worry about it. Then don't wash it in hot water.

The lady before me, sorry didn't catch the name before starting this, is right. Letting wet cloth sit is what causes most bleeding that stains.

Quilt Washing

Janelle that sounds correct to me. I think it would be wise to throw in a Shout Color Catcher or two. I also find it wise to never leave the quilt in the washer when it is finished. Get it right out and check it before throwing it in to the dryer. I feel the bleeding, etc. happens when it is allowed to remain wet. Also, worth a mention Harriet Hargrave's book recommends washing in ivory dish soap with no additives. I do this, but must admit I have yet to wash a two color quilt where one of the colors is white and the other bright. I will need to in the future, so let us know what you did and how it turned out. Laura