WWQP Bulletin Board

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Newborn Baby Caps

This isn't quilt related but it is sewing related. I am looking for a pattern/directions to make new born baby caps from soft knit baby type fabric. A friend's church is making mid-wife kits for 3rd world countries and she isn't able to keep up with knitting them but I felt there has to be a way of making them from baby knits.

Thanks for any help you're willing to share, Phyllis in Minnesota

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Giveaway on Featherweight Blog

Hi! Just thought I would pass this information along to those interested. This was posted on the Featherweight group.
> Hi everybody!
> I'm hosting a Singer Featherweight 221 Giveaway on my new site!
> This is to give you all an opportunity to update your old links to my
> new site and to win some items. Plus to get some web traffic to the
> new site, and to read about your latest featherweights! Not to bore
> you anymore, but here is the site.
> http://singerfeatherweight221.blogspot.com/2009/01/singer-featherweight-221-blog-giveaway.html
> Good luck on your entries!!
> Gail Pickens-Barger

Vicki in SW PA

Monday, January 12, 2009

lounge pants for teen

on wednesday i'm heading down for a visit with family and would love to have some advice on a pattern that would be easy for a new sewer to use. she's made a couple of quilts with me right there, and done a bit of "freeform" sewing on her own.

i thot it would be nice if i could find a pattern for those lounge-type pants that would be easy for her to make on her own. that way she could make them for her brother, parents, self, and maybe friends. i understand the pants are made now with just one pattern piece for the front and back leg, so it should be simple enough. i haven't even looked at clothes patterns for over 20 years now so would appreciate some guidance.

dutchrose ---{-@

Sunday, January 11, 2009

back in "the heyday"

many years ago, on our old format, we sometimes veered off subject and gave interesting links. i had bookmarked one of them, it was for appliance repair, and a couple of computers and a couple of browsers later i don't seem to be able to find it. does this sound familiar to anyone? of course i've done a google search and come up with others, but this particular link was excellent with diagrams, pictures, and step by step instructions. if you have it, or were the one who originally posted it, i would be tickled pink to get it again. or if you have a different one to recommend. i fear it may have gone defunct and after finding that out i deleted the bookmark. DS is having washing machine problems and i'd love to be able to help him.

and now for the quilty part... DS is getting married in june and i am working on a black & white double wedding ring where each arc goes from dark to light and back again. after i got over the initial fear, and found just the right fabrics, i am really liking the effect. originally they wanted a black background, but i was able to change their minds -- white will be so much better to work with. it is PP which is something i hate, but only the arcs are like that so it is actually pretty easy.

i also make a tree skirt for each kid and niece or nephew that gets married, so i have two of those done and awaiting quilting for may -- machine quilting, quick and easy. add to that the great news we received on christmas day that DD is pregnant, and another baby quilt is now in my future. guess i better get off the computer and on to the sewing machine!

thanx in advance for any help on the appliance fixing website.
dutchrose ---{-@