WWQP Bulletin Board

Friday, September 4, 2009

Thanks for the minki advice

But--I didn't take it.
Actually, I already had the minki basted onto the back of the quilt.
Decided not to be so lazy and do some basic quilting on it myself. So far so good. Worked on it several hours yesterday.
The long arm lady said it was too stretchy, and that she could not guarantee that it would be OK.
It is a red and white "chinese coin" type quilt that I'm making for myself for Christmas. Just a top and back, since it is heavy, and warm I figured that was OK for Fla.
Off to the shower.
Sara in Soggy Fla.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Minki fabric for backing?

Ya'll were so good in giving me info. on the back thingy, here's another question. Has anyone used Minki for backing? I have it basted to the back of a twin size quilt and now I'm feeling lazy and don't want to quilt it myself. There is a long arm quilter that just does basic quilting and I could take it to her to m.q. Is this a good idea?
Sara in Fla.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Back thingy

HI, I'm back home and need help finding a thingy for a back support for quilters. Some people in my guild got one at Jo-Anne's but they no longer sell them. It has straps over the shoulders, and a weight in the small of the back to help with lower back support.
Surely someone out there knows where to get one.
Sara in Fla.