WWQP Bulletin Board

Monday, September 17, 2007


Just received an email about the October issue of Readers Digest and the monthly advice column. Here are the question and her answer:

"Q: Destination weddings at resorts are the rage in my group. Flights, hotels and carfare cost beaucoup bucks! A couple ask a lot of their guests to see them exchange their vows. Am I wrong in thinking spending thousands on travel justifies a small gift, in any? Signed, Tight BudgetA: Dear Tight, If you think enough of the couple to attend their nuptials, then, yes, you need to bring a gift. If getting to the wedding is blowing your budget, make a quilt or frame a special photo. There are lots of ways to say "congratulations!" that don't involve big bucks. If it's really too much for you, don't go."

Someone, please educate this lady -- making a quilt doesn't involve big bucks? I already emailed her. Care to join me? You can see her at
http://www.rd.com/channel/jeanne-marie-laskas/ and her contact address is there. Lavinia-TN


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