Reading catalogs
Judy in Ohio, I can't believe you didn't mention reading gardening catalogs! I drool over and want one of each when I look at the offerings from places like White Flower Farm or Bluestone Perennials! I do look at the Keepsake and Hancock's of Paducah catalogs, but usually if I see something I like in one of them, I can find it for less $$ somewhere else. They seem to be "full retail" in their pricing. At Christmas time when my mailbox is flooded with catalogs, I often make a gift list for what I might buy for others. Then I'll add up the order and once the shipping is tacked on, I decide to forget it and send a gift certificate!
At August 12, 2007 at 3:48 PM ,
Judy in Ohio said...
Yes, Beth I do study the gardening catalogs but I have a local "mom and pop" garden center now and I find it fairly easy to shop locally for yummy perennials. Plus gravity has become the enemy this year so I am shopping small ... buying little plants to tuck in small spaces. When did my knees get so old?? I had to buy one of those old lady kneeling benches. Sigh.
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