WWQP Bulletin Board

Friday, August 3, 2007

Feeling Like a Kid at Wal-Mart

I've been reading about a new product called "Mary Ellen's Best Press" which is something you spritz on fabric as a starch substitute. Online reviews have made it sound hassle-free, flake-free, etc. and you can buy it online at www.maryellenproducts.com but I thought I had read somewhere that you can also buy it at Wal-Mart. So rather than pay for the costs of shipping a bottle of liquid stuff I thought I would check out my local Wally store but no luck ... it was not on the laundry department shelves and I asked the ladies in the fabric department but they had never heard of it.

Since I needed some new graph paper and pens I moseyed on over to that department and found myself knee-deep in kids hunting for school supplies. Oh, my .... what glorious pens and such are on the market these days!! I waltzed out with a package of twelve Sharpie Ultra Fine Point permanent ink pens! Almost forgot to look for the graph paper because I was so excited about the package of pens in so many lovely vivid colors .... talk about simple things for simple people. LOL

So, has anyone seen "Mary Ellen's Best Press" for sale at a store? I'm just reluctant to pay shipping on a product that is mainly water with some goo added to it.



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