WWQP Bulletin Board

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

sore underfingers

HQing is my favorite, but my wrist sure does get tired, not to mention the pain in developing the callous on my under finger after not quilting for awhile.
posted by mamita's treadle @ 5:23 PM

i used to have very sore underfingers until i was given a thimble-it to try. if you google thimble-it you will probably find a picture of the packaging so you know what to look for. it is a thin heavy plastic oval with adhesive on one side. i cut them in half because my fingers are so small, so they also last twice as long. you can reuse them too, until the adhesive wears off.

i have to be able to feel the needle come thru the backside of the quilt, so many of the protective devices don't work well for me. this allows me to 'feel' it without it hurting the skin. i haven't had to worry about making a callous in almost 10 years now, i first used it on my daughter's graduation quilt which i never would have finished in time without this great product. NAYY.

it runs around $5 a package and there are several discs in each package. i carry them with me all the time and give them away to hand quilters to try. that's how i found out about them, and i'm just passing along the favor. hope you can find them in your area.
dutchrose ---{-@


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