WWQP Bulletin Board

Saturday, February 24, 2007


Long night with the Prince, he came down ill and I had to go to the babysitter and I had to drive over and pick him up. Mom is out of town and dad had business last night so he was here for a sleep over. Ah long time since I went to bed at 8:30..lol

He is fine this am and dad just picked him up.

I am loving the pictures, and will sit one day and figure out how to do it and mail my PiShaw, it did turn out very nice. Thank you Heather for asking.

I see snow/ice storms have hit some of the eastern states. Celia sent a pix of the snow and oh my so much! so deep!

Tuesday quilting group has been after me to re join, now that I have Tuesday's free. I'm hoping to do so.

Is there a way to chat here? like msn chat? That would be fun.

off to hug the day


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