WWQP Bulletin Board

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Laura in Ala--Did you mean picture of the quilt-in-pregress, or picture of Savannah?
Check out Mary Lou Weidman's "Everyday Angels in Extradinary Quilts" for the quilt. Look carefully at the front cover. Lots of blues in squares, with lots of angels and stars.
Of course I'm not going to do that quilt, but it's based on that one. Think lots of very light blues, batiks, baby blues.
In the back of her book are copyright free angels, dogs, etc. to use.
Hope everyone is free on headachs today.
It's 85% humidity here today, was sweating buckets when finished with the walk.
Now it's off to Wally world and Lowe's. Have to replace a switch in a lamp.
DH is feeling human today. Yea!!
Jane-I was on the oposite side of you in the court room. It never gave me a headach, but my career wasn't on it either. I can't say I enjoyed the violation of probation hearings, but 95% of the time the jerk deserved to be back in jail, or in jail for the first time. I especially thought the con-artists needed some jail time. Seemed to get a lot of them for some reason.
Ocassionally I would go to bat for a person. The alcoholics didn't need jail, but rehab and a reason to start over.
I'm glad that part of my life is over now, and can quilt when I want to.
Sara in humid Fla.


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