If You Want to Try Something New .... Here's a Book For You
Milli obviously had fun with her Herky Jerky tree project and I'd like to suggest another book that offered some "fun" ideas for me. Dianne S. Hire has written "Quilters Playtime: Games With Fabrics" and you can indeed play games (like Tic Tac Toe) with her ideas and your fabrics. Her ideas enable you to "loosen up" and try new things without huge investments of time and fabric ... you go stash diving and you play and you let your creative juices "flow" as the saying goes.
This particular wallhanging was created for an international competition and sent off to Bunbury, Australia. Those naughty Australians had sent me a packet of four very calm tiny black and white prints (not my kind of fabrics at all!!) and I've forgotten what their theme was ... but I called this "Shattered Trellis" and they hung it in their show anyway. :-) Their judge's note complimented my quilting which I made rather dense so the colored parts would "pop". And yes, the edges of this wallhanging are crooked and the blocks deliberately don't match up properly. That was part of Dianne's "playtime" idea in her book ..... take the attitude of an enthusiastic child and PLAY with your fabric pieces, within reason of course, because you do want to wind up with a finished product. LOL
At April 17, 2007 at 8:45 AM ,
Anonymous said...
You are so right!!! Dianne was a guest speaker at our guild two years ago and she was great. I got her book and tried a quilt. I'll see if I can get a picture of it online. Her book really gives you lots of ideas.
At April 17, 2007 at 9:20 AM ,
Judy in Ohio said...
So many times quilters get absorbed in creating large bed-sized quilts and while those are wonderful legacies to treasure it can also be fun to make smaller pieces that are meant to be enjoyed "just because" ....
At April 21, 2007 at 4:44 AM ,
Lavinia said...
Is there someplace that has a listing of competitions? Although I am not "into" that, just wondered.... Lavinia
At April 22, 2007 at 5:09 PM ,
Judy in Ohio said...
Lavinia, the woman posted here on our WWQP BB asking for entries. Her group has a quilt show each year and it is just a local guild that likes to rope in people from overseas so they can claim an "international" flair. :-) They have a theme and this year only one FQ of fabric (I've seen a photo and it's hideous but I'll participate anyway LOL). If you send me an email I'll send you her email if you are interested. jacknox@earthlink.net
I'm pretty sure that you'll find listings for quilt competitions in every issue of Quilter's Newsletter Magazine (in the back?) but I'm too lazy to get up and look.
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