WWQP Bulletin Board

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Stuff and thangs

I finally managed to sign on here again and am going to try my hand at another post. Was just over at the kosmic kitty site and saw some hate and discontent along with the nasty anonymous poster. I purely hope that this site does not descend to that level. I always feel uncomfortable when I read that.

The boys moved out the beginning of February and I think I am finally adjusting to this next stage in my life. Felt a good bit like it feels when you have a tooth pulled. The pain is gone but the hole is still there and you can't help but feel it now and then. The time was right and the boys are happier. So are we, I think. It almost feels like a honeymoon.

I took over their room the week after they moved out and made it into a sewing area. The house feels much less cluttered. I have not managed to get it all organized yet but have managed a bit of sewing. Now for the yard work. We have been having an unusually cool winter this year and the oranges in the orchard were mostly lost in the frosts. Maybe one third of those were usuable for juice. The fella whose orchard abuts ours lost his entire crop and the workers just pulled the oranges right off the trees and left them to rot in the rows. It would be a pretty mix of color if it wasn't so heartbreaking.

My girlie rottweiler is expecting and due to whelp on April 12th. We expect no trouble and the vet says she is in good health and there are about seven pups in there. (Ultrasound for dogs, can you believe it?)

My sister in law called today and she became a gramma for the first time this morning. She sure was walking on air. They had a baby girl and she was a good size baby at 7 pounds 11 ounces. I guess it is time for me to make another quilt.

Well that is about all the news we have here and I certainly hope you all are doing well.

Terye Dawn at the less looneybin


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