WWQP Bulletin Board

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Making a Necktie Quilt is Truly a Labor of Love

Milli's joke about "an awful lot of money" to make a necktie quilt for someone hides a truth as far as I am concerned. I would guide someone in how to do it, offering step-by-step instructions and supervision but that's all ....

I made a necktie quilt for my father when he retired after 45 years with the S.S.Kresge Company (which evolved into K-Mart while he was still working for them) and he certainly had plenty of neckties for me to work with. Taking neckties apart, sorting and cutting up the neckties, salvaging some of the fancy labels was truly a labor of love on my part for the man who raised me. It was a tedious challenge to fuse all of those bias-cut slithery fabrics on to stabilizer so they would behave nicely after I cut them into the desired shapes.

I would not do this job again for a stranger, not even for money. Help someone else do it, yes. Do it myself, no. Like many quilt "fads" I've tried, once is enough. LOL



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